

Maddie Wells' life spirals out of control after the murder of her wife Char, a transgender woman of color. Hunger for revenge drives Maddie to take a job at a wax museum near the murderer's hometown, where she studies revenge and plots how to strike back. Befriending the murderer's wife is the first stage in Maddie's plan to make him pay. The Language of Bodies probes the seduction of vengeance using vivid, sensual imagery to explore how love transcends the particulars of body parts, and how revenge blurs the line between victim and perpetrator, hero and villain. It's a gorgeous, dark tale about the enduring power of love, and the human spirit's unwillingness to give up.
Living in Hope books
Holding On to Hope: Help for family and friends of transgender people
When a child, parent, sibling, or friend comes out as transgender, your world can feel rocked in ways you never could have imagined. The tidal wave of questions and concerns can feel overwhelming. This little book is here to help. It includes some of the content from Reaching for Hope: strategies and support for the partners of transgender people, and offers new material focused on issues faced by family members rather than intimate partners. The book is written in the style of a daily devotional, with short entries on a single topic. An index is included so you can easily look up issues as they arise.
If you’re struggling, open these pages, and experience hope.
Reaching for Hope: Strategies and support for the partners of transgender people
Can relationships survive when one partner comes out as transgender?
For many couples it isn’t easy. Adjusting to new realities which present themselves takes time, patience, education, and soul searching. The process can feel scary and isolating. Reaching for Hope offers companionship for the journey in the form of reassurance, support, and strategies, all delivered in bite-sized nuggets, so you won’t feel overwhelmed by information.
Can your relationship survive? That remains to be seen. But this book offers help, if you’re willing to try.
The Path of Unlearning Books
Sleeper, Awake: 40 days of companionship for the deconstruction process
Deconstruction is a challenging process. Sleeper, Awake walks with you through the phases of confusion, fear, and anger so you're able to embrace the freedom of an unbound God.
The second book in the Path of Unlearning series, titled, Awake and Rise will be available soon!
Where True Love Is devotionals
Sex With God: Meditations on the sacred nature of sex in a post-purity-culture world
Involving God in your sex life may sound scandalous, but sexuality was designed by our creator and is saturated with the very being of God. So why not invite the divine in? The concept may feel awkward at first, because we’ve been trained by purity culture and centuries of mistrust of our bodies and our desires. But God wants to be part of all we do. God is already there when you are naked with your beloved. God is within you, and within them, and between you both. Be brave. Enter into that presence. You have the power to transform sex into worship of God, with God.
A Theology of Desire: Meditations on intimacy, consummation, and the longing of God
Desire and longing are part of the human condition. But we aren’t alone in our thirst: the essence of divinity is an intense yearning for unity. The meditations contained in these pages will not only change your view of God, they will help you experience God.
Where True Love Is: an affirming devotional for LGBTQI+ individuals and their allies
Where True Love Is offers a 90-day Biblical exploration of God, scripture, the law, gender, sexuality, marriage, and more.
This book is for every LGBTQI+ individual who fears God can’t love them just the way they are, and for those who simply want a devotional which approaches scripture inclusively. It is for every family member who struggles to integrate the reality of their LGBTQI+ loved one with a faithful walk with Christ. It is for every pastor, church, and denomination trying to discern God’s will for this critical issue.
After reading it, you’ll be able to offer a Bible-based defense of the validity of LGBTQI+ Christian faith. More importantly, you’ll encounter the gorgeous, loving complexity of a God who can’t be stuffed into a book-sized box.
Transfigured: a 40-day journey through scripture for gender-queer and transgender people
Transfigured offers a 40-day exploration of scripture through the lens of a God who is the designer of gender in all it’s magnificent variety. While reading it you’ll encounter a Creator who is both male and female, and come to realize that God’s image and likeness are most fully manifested by gender-queer people.
I Don't Want Them to Go to Hell: 50 days of encouragement for friends and families of LGBTQ people
When a loved one tells us their sexual orientation or gender identity is something other than what we've believed, it can send us into a tailspin of worry and confusion. What does God think? How are we supposed to respond? What will happen to their eternal souls?I Don't Want Them to Go to Hell is a tool for exploring these questions scripturally, and prayerfully.
Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Pro-Love: 44 days of reflection for finding a third way in the abortion debate
Abortion is one of the most hotly debated issues facing Western society today. Good-hearted people have firmly held convictions on both sides of the argument, often closing their minds and hearts to the truths spoken by those who disagree with them. Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Pro-Love walks you through a series of meditations to try to discern a third way of viewing the issue, with God at the center.

Suzanne DeWitt Hall is the author of Reaching for Hope, the Where True Love Is devotional series, Jamie the Germ Slayer, and the Rumplepimple adventures for kids.
Her work is designed to shine the light of love into hearts darkened by discrimination and fear.
Suzanne lives with her beloved transmasculine spouse Declan, two terriers, and a cat named Chicken. Her life is so full of joy it's surprising the house can hold it all.