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A Valentine's Day Where True Love Is Giveaway

I'm not sure what your experience has been like, but for most of my life, Valentine's Day has been a tricky holiday. The love I lived was disordered and unhappy, which made a day set up to worship a sentimental idol of romance painful and fraught with interpersonal landmines.

My story has a happy ending; the companion my soul dreamed of appeared. She's been working for a decade to heal my lifetime of wounded ideas about love. Valentine's Day still sparks pain, and I struggle to embrace it as she does; as a day to honor real love, a love that reaches out not just romantically but through all sorts of relationships. It's a challenge, but I'm trying.

I'm far from alone in this experience. LGBTQI+ often carry a particular burden of pain when it comes to sugar-coated, decadent proclamations about romantic love. Many experience shame from voices in their church or family of origin. Many can't find solace in a faith community because those near them are not affirming. Many are afraid that searching for someone with whom to become one would offend God.

There is a vast, invisible sea of pain all around us, and on February 14 the tide rolls in high and destructive. In hope of assuaging one tiny pinprick of that suffering, we are offering eBook versions of Where True Love Is as a gift this Valentine's Day. From 12:00AM to 11:59PM you can click on the link and download the Kindle version at no cost.

If you know someone who could use a bit of comforting this Valentine's Day, please share the link with them. Or get the book and pass it along directly. In the meantime, know that my sweet Dolce and I are praying for each person reading this. May you experience the tender touch of God's love for you this week, in unexpected ways.

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